Here are some videos from a few of the people I follow on YouTube. Some are CCC staff. Some are NewThing churches.
These two are from our weekend services this weekend. We are on a new series called "indescribable", based upon some of the names for Jesus from the prophecies in the book of Isaiah. This first is a comedy thing we did where the angel tells Mary the baby's name and she doesn't care for it.
This one is just the background roll we used with the live song "Glory in the Highest". Great Chris Tomlin song. Worked awesome. The footage is from "The Nativity", "The Passion" and the "Jesus" movie.
Here is Part 2 of the "Blue Mime Group". I don't think I ever posted this one.
This one is my favorite. This is 242 Community Church in Detroit performing "The Chipmunk Christmas Song" live. They said is took like 3 weeks to get the voices right. Their mics are running through a string of guitar pedals. Very funny.
Here's a new entry for you. This is from St. Paul's Church in Auckland, Australia. This video would have been perfect for our "Indescribable" series. The best part is that St. Paul's Arts and Media department is affectionately called "S.P.A.M.". Good video.
Here is a cool comparison. Our Student Ministry teams up with several other StuCos from some of the other NewThing churches for their big winter event called "Blast. Here is CCC's StuCo video, followed by 242's StuCo video. Synergy is awesome.
And last, but certainly not least, here is a video we used in our Student Ministry and Kids City about complaining for our "Zip It" series. It is completely gross, but nails the topic!